Emma Thompson's reenactment of Leonato's boisterous niece is excellent. Denzel Washington does a tremendous job portraying his character, Don Perdo, Prince of Aragon.
Keanu Reeves plays Don John, the cold and calculating bastard brother of Don Pedro. Reeves presents his character in a manner that, to me, is too much ado! A word that came into my vocabulary recently, platitudinous, an adjective meaning flat, describes Reeves' performance in this movie. Reeves is "stone faced" and overplays his anger. In my opinion, Reeves picked the wrong part to play.
The director of this movie did a great job directing the other characters, but must have turned a blind eye and deaf ear to Reeves. He is considered to be a movie star of The Matrix, I know, but he missed his mark in Much Ado About Nothing ....Linda